Toes on the Dash
Super-feminine and confirmed shoe-a-holic Delaney Morran receives an unexpected inheritance--the keys to a tow truck from a dad she’s never known. Even though she hasn’t changed a tire, or even driven any kind of a truck, she’s determined to make the rough and dangerous business a success. When she hauls a vehicle with the body of her jerk-of-an ex hidden in the trunk, the small-town cops in Spruce Ridge, Colorado do not believe this a coincidence. They have her in their headlights as the prime suspect. When the news hits, her business stalls.
As a woman trying to make a living in a man’s world, she drives her rig in four-inch-heels to set herself apart. But she must toughen up her image and solve the crime or she’ll end up parked in jail.
What reviewers had to say:
"A girly girl who inherits a tow truck from her father is hugely refreshing from professions that have been overdone. Delaney's character is so well developed, and I love her whip-smart sense of humor." ~Amazon reviewer
"Lots of suspects. Lots of twists and turns. Some romance. A ton of humor. Just a great story!" ~Amazon reviewer
This book is also available at libraries (Hoopla).
Released by The Wild Rose Press in 2022.